All Financial Years Projects
Go BackProject | Scope | Department | Status | Budget | Ward | Action | |
Extension Service Delivery | Support establishment of one model youth community led extension service delivery (Malooi Youth Demonstration Farm and Kanoto Farmers society - Tulimani) |
Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries & Cooperative Development | Ongoing | Ksh 3,404,444 | Wote/Nziu |
Kituasi Water Project | Construction of new sump, solarization, installation of pumpset and distribution |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 3,430,000 | Wote/Nziu |
Opening And Grading Of Mutinda- Mbalu-kitheini Pri-makuli-nichodemus-kwa Matheka Road | 2.8km road grading, 2.8m road opening, 48m culverts,8 No of gabbions, 300cm3 catch water |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Wote/Nziu |
Installation Of Road Structures (culverts, Gabions And Backfilling On Specific Roads) | Installation of culverts along Kivandini- Yathonza road, 60m culvert, 35 No of gabions,80m3 catch water drain |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Wote/Nziu |
Wote/nziu Ward Bursary | Bursary allocation – Application, Vetting, award and distribution |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Wote/Nziu |
Yiuma Ecde |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 2,940,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Forest conservation and awareness (tree planting/water weirs/sand dams) |
Department of Lands, Urban Planning and Development, Environment and Climate Change | Ongoing | Ksh 2,085,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Mbiuni Borehole | Drilling and Caping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Kanzili Borehole | Drilling and Caping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Ngaa Borehole | Drilling and Caping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Isololo Kwakoki Bh Pipeline Extention | Construction of isololo and kwa koki BH an pipeline extention |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 5,390,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Nzaui/kilili/kalamba Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 7,000,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Kwa Kalui Ecde | Construction of one classroom |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 2,400,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Maatha Ecde | Construction of one classroom |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 2,400,000 | Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba |
Rehabilitation Of Ikuyuni Ndauni Road | Construction of a retaining wall and installation of gabion boxes |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 400,000 | Mbitini |
Mbitini Borehole | HGS, Drilling |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,360,000 | Mbitini |
Mbuthani Water Project | Construction of RC Sump,Upgrading of pumping system and rehabilitation |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 3,920,000 | Mbitini |
Ilengeni Water Project | Intake and treatment works, pumping systems, pipeline, water points and storage |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 6,870,000 | Mbitini |
Installation Of Highmast Floodlight At Mutyambua Market | Installation of 20M high mast floodlight with 6No. 400W LED fittings |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Mbitini |
Ngoto Ecde | Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office; Electrical Works; Shelving to the stores; 2No. Wooden Desks; 2No. Wooden Arm Chairs; Water harvesting goods (10,000Ltrs Water Tank and base); 40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables; Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double seesaw); Display soft Pin board, White Board & Mark-Pens and ; Branding, Publicity and Signwriting |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,600,000 | Mbitini |
Mbitini Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Mbitini |
Kavuthu Ecde | Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office; Electrical Works; Shelving to the stores; Water harvesting goods (10,000Ltrs Water Tank and base); 40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables; Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw); Display soft Pin board, White Board & Mark Pens and Branding, Publicity and Signwriting |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,600,000 | Mbitini |
Pwd Support-assistive Devices -support Pwds With Assorted Assistive Devices Mbitini | Department of Gender, Children, Youth, Sports and Social Services | Ongoing | Ksh 500,000 | Mbitini |
Kimuumo Ecde |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 1,960,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Kikumini Model Health Center | Construction of new Outpatient block |
Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 5,000,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Kwa Mulinge Drift | Kwa Mulinge drift- construction of a drift, culverts, installation of gabions and excavation of roads for water structures |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 1,470,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Kwa Mutemwa Borehole | Drilling and development of borehole |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 3,920,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Feasibility Study For Distribution Of Ndukuma Earthdam | - Feasibility study for distribution water, draw off system (siphon system); Connect with existing pipeline kwa phillip to kyemole; Conservation of water ways; rehabilitation of existing pipeline to the existing tanks and Pegging of the dam area |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 15,000,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Kikumini/muvau Bursary | Bursary allocation – Application , Vetting, award and distribution |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kikumini/Muvau |
Fuel For Grading Using County Machinery | Grading of kathonzweni – kathamboni – yembondo – 11.5km Kathonzweni – itumbule – kiluluini – kwamanthi - 7.5km Mbuvo – kwa kavisi – kaasya – ngomano – kyunyu – 12.5km Kateiko – kwa ng’ondu primary – 2.4km Mbuvo – mbuvo nzau – kanthiitu – tamutamu – 13km Kwa kavisi – kithoni primary – 5.3km kiangini – kiteei – mutini – 8.8km 4. Kathonzweni - Kathamboni 5.4km |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 1,470,000 | Kathonzweni |
Upgrading Kathonzweni Health Center. | Upgrading of the facility |
Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 686,000 | Kathonzweni |
Drilling And Develovement Of Kiteei Mutini Bh | DRILLING AND DEVELOPMENT OF BOREHOLE |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 2,837,000 | Kathonzweni |
Rehabilitation Of Kaiani Borehole | Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 931,750 | Kathonzweni |
Gravelling, Installation Of Culverts, Gabions And Drifts Along Kathamboni Spill Way | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kathonzweni |
Kathonzweni Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kathonzweni |
Kiangini Ict Centre - Equipping | Equipping of Kiangini ICT Centre |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Kathonzweni |
Ivinga Nzia Ctti | Electrification, fencing and construction of a workshop |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,430,000 | Mavindini |
Yekanga Borehole | Drilling |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,960,000 | Mavindini |
Mantainance And Installation Of Drainage Structres Of Nzeveni-kwa Ndungulu-kwa Joelkwa Ndene-catholic Church-kwa Letu-kwa Muthoka-kwa Ngei Road | construction of 40m culverts,12NO gabions |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Mavindini |
Mavindini Ward Fuel For Maintenance And Repair Of Critical Ward | Department of Finance, Planning, Budget and Revenue | Ongoing | Ksh 800,000 | Mavindini |
Drilling And Equipping Of Kwa Ngoka Borehole | Drilling,equipping and distribution of Kwa Ngoka borehole, Construction of a water kiosk at point source, installation of 10 000 m3 plastic tank |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 6,000,000 | Mavindini |
Mavindini Bursary | Bursary allocation – Application, Vetting, award and distribution |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Mavindini |
Yinthungu Ctti | Construction of a dormitory for the male trainees |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 1,960,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kwa Kaivu Borehole | Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 150,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kikome Irrigation Scheme | . Operationalization of Kikome Irrigation scheme sump tank & galleries, 3 distribution line,rehabilitation distribution tank |
Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries & Cooperative Development | Ongoing | Ksh 7,932,953 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Installation Of Floodlights in Kitise Kithuke markets | Fabrication of a 8.5M high flood light mast, excavation and mounting the starter bars, casting of starter bars slab and mounting of the mast, fixing 1No. 150W Integrated Solar lights in mayuu, Kwa nyaa, kithayoni, katangini, mwakini ,nzouni, winzeni, kingangi, rehabilitation - ngunguuni, yinthungu, kyase, Mwania |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Construction Of Key Wall At Londokwe Along Nzouni- Manza Road | construction of 40m keywall |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Construction Of Key Wall At Londokwe Along Matheani -kwa Nyaa Road | Construction of 4 gabions and 30m keywall |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Installation of High Mast Floodlight At Yinthungu Market | Installation of 20M high mast floodlight with 6No. 400W LED fittings |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Rehabilitation Of 4 Solar Floodlights in Kitise/Kithuki | Rehabilitation of lights in Ngunguni, Mwania, Yithungu and Kyase markets |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kitise Water Project | Upgrading of 3" rising main |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kimundi Water Project | Repair of pipeline, provision of water tanks and solar repairs replacement |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kwa Mbila Earthdam | Distribution from Kiambani to Kiuuku |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Kitise/kithuki Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Mukameni Borehole-purchase And Installation Of Motor | Mukameni Borehole-purchase and installation of motor |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 500,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Rehabilitation Of Kitise Water Project | Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 8,000,000 | Kitise/Kithuki |
Mukaatini Ctti | Construction of a dormitory |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,920,000 | Mbooni |
Rehabilitation Of Water Tank And Pipeline Rehabilitation To Yatwa-itaani Village( Uviuni) | Rehabilitation of rising main to Yatwa Primary school, rehabilitation of yatwa - Itaani pipeline and rehabilitation masonry tank collapsed roof slab. |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,960,000 | Mbooni |
Installation Of Street Lights Phase 2 Around Kikima Market | Installation of 10M single arm grid connected streetlights around Kikima market to mukonde stretch, Construction of market perimeter fencing, Construction of concrete box covered drainage channels and Cabro paving of the market |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 12,000,000 | Mbooni |
Kikima Market Improvement Programme | This budget line entails both contracted and inhouse works 1. Installation of 24m culverts, 400 cut off mitre drains and 30 gabions along Matondoni-Uvaa-Kituluku-Red Sea road (contracted) 2. Inhouse -Grading of roads using county machinery |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Mbooni |
Mbooni Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Mbooni |
Nzueni Ecde |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,920,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Drilling Of Mutooni Borehole | Drilling borehole and test pumping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,660,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Water Improvement Programme | Repair of Boreholes |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 57,556 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Kitundu-mwea-kalala-ititu-ngai Health Centre Road | 5km mechanical road opening, 5km heavy grading, construction of 20m by 6m vented masonry drift, installation of 18m culverts and 394.1 cut off mitre drains along Kitundu-Mwea-Kalala-Ititu-Ngai Health Centre Road |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Road Grading And Culvert Installation Along Kwa Nzelu-ndandini-kyevutula-munyeetani | 7km bush clearing, 7kms heavy grading, Installation of culvets 4om and 340.2m3 cut-off mitre drains |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Kya Muata Water Project | Construction of gravity mains to kyambwika ECDE, Constrcution of 3No. water kiosks at Kyambwika , Kakuyuni market and kyamuata market and extension to kyamuata primary school and kyamuata market |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Kithungo/kitundu Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Ngai Health Centre -equipping Maternity Wing, Upgrading Septic Tank, Additional Staff, Electricity Connectivity | 2bedroom staff house to completion construction of 15000lts septic tank construction of a soak pit |
Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Kithungo/Kitundu |
Kamwinzi Earthdam | Kamwinzi Earthdam-County machinery desilting |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 490,000 | Tulimani |
Installation of floodlights At Iiani Market,itetani Market,wanzauni Market And Mavindu Market | Installation of 20M high mast floodlight, 400W LED fittings at Iiani market and installation of 15M, 400W LED fittings, 4-arm floodlights at Wanzauni, Mavindu and Itetani markets |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Tulimani |
Ndiangu-malaa- Kanoto Ndoo,kyanguma-ithemboni-mukangu- Mavindu Road | 9.6km bush clearing, 12km light grading, installation of 72m culverts, 35 gabions and 931.5cm3 cut off mitre drains along Ndiangu-Malaa- Kanoto Ndoo,Kyanguma-Ithemboni-Mukangu- Mavindu road. |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Tulimani |
Tulimani Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 5,000,000 | Tulimani |
Wambuli Ecde | Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office,3-Door Pit Latrine withUrinal,Electrical Works,Shelving to the stores,2No.lockable metallic cabinets,2No. Wooden Desks,2No. Wooden Arm Chairs, Water harvesting goods (10,,000Ltrs Water Tank and base),40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables,Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw),Display soft board and Branding, Publicity and Signwritin | Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 4,400,000 | Tulimani |
Kakuswi Ctti Dormitory | Construction of a domitory |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 6,860,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Lungu Borehole | Drilling of borehole and test pumping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 2,374,220 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Kithongo Borehole | Drilling of borehole and test pumping |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 2,374,221 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Kimandi Borehole | Construction of 2No. Water kiosks, installation of 2No. 10cm cubic metres plastic storage tanks, water distribution pipeline to kyambusya and rehabilitation of rising main. |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 3,710,279 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Mulasya Ecde |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,136,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Routine maintenance of Kisau/Kiteta ward access roads | Bush clearing, Grading, Road Water harvesting structures along Kasyelia-Ngwani-Yumbani-Kwa Kulomba Road, Ndiang'u-Mbulutoni-Syunguni Road,Linga-Ngaa-Muluti-Kwa Minzioka Road, Ngaa-Kalingile-Kwa Kalani-Ndivuni-Muvelekini-Maia- Kwa Masavi Road, Kwa Ndunda-Kwa Ndawa-Kiteta Girls-Kwa Ndulu-Kwa Wananchi Road, Kmtc-Musunguu-Uini-Maia-Kanyenyoni-Syumbe Road, Kathome-Kwa Kimangi-Utuneni Dispensary-Syunguni Primary Road *Itulu-Kyekuyu-Kwa Minzioka-Kimangu-Ndithini-Yangua Road, Kwa Bush-Kwa Milka-Ngaa-Kilisa-Kwa Mbaka Road, Sinai-Musyoka Kisingú-Kwa Mweve Road, Kwa Mbuyu-Kieleeleni-Kwa Nguli-Kithuia Road, Ndumbi-Mbumbuni-Iviani-Kithongo-Mukimwani-Katunguli-Thwake Road, Kimandi-Ngoni-Kwa Masaku-Mwende-Kavutini Road,Mwende market-Kiseki--Misandukuni Road, Kieseki-Kyakuya-Kinyunyini Road *Kwa Nyoloki-Kwa Kivuva Mwende Road, Kwa Nganda-Kwa Kaunda-Kyambusya-Kwa Ngalange-Mutooni Road, Kiumoni-Muthwani Secondary-Kinze-Muangwa Road, Mbumbuni-Maiuni-Muthwani-Kwa Malumbi-No.8-Wamua Road, Kwa Kabuki-Ngaa-Kwa Kisioka--Kalimani-Mbumbuni Road, Iviani-Mususye-Kwa Kavemba Road Ndumbi Secondary--Kivutini-Ndumbi mkt-Kithangathini-Kyakuta Road |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 5,000,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Installation Of Floodlights At Mbiiani ,nthungoni,katungoli, Kwa Kulomba And Kavutini Markets | Installation of 15M grid connected 4-arm floodlights at Mbiiani ,Nthungoni,Katungoli, Kwa Kulomba and Kavutini Markets Rehabilitation of existing market lights at Kwa Ndunda, Utuneni and Namba Nyanya markets |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Kyooni Ecde | Construction of two classroom |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,200,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Muluti Ecde | Construction of two classrooms |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,200,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Kisau/kiteta Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,950,000 | Kisau/Kiteta |
Kavingiliti Earthdam | Kavingiliti earthdam - in house machines |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 2,940,000 | Kako/Waia |
Road Improvement Programme | 3.5km mechanical road opening, 3.5km heavy grading, installation of 48m culvert and 1441.80m cut off mitre drains |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Installation Of Floodlights In Kitongu Market | Installation of 20M high mast floodlight with 6No. 400W LED fittings |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Miau Earthdam |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 6,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Waia Earth Dam |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 4,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Kako/waia Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Rehabilitation Of Kwa Mwanzau And Muia Drifts | Construction of a 30m by 6m drift |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Kako/Waia |
Katangini Dispensary -completion Of Maternity Block And Incinerator | Construction of new maternity block | Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 1,960,000 | Kalawa |
Akwash Water Project | AKWASH water project- Extension of AKWASH and distribution to kathongo kavumbu and Mweleli clusters |
Department of Water and Sanitation | Ongoing | Ksh 1,312,182 | Kalawa |
Road Improvement Programme Through Machine Hire In Kalawa Ward | 9km light bush clearing, 17km heavy grading, Installation of 40m culverts, 364.50m cut off mitre drains and 20 gabions |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kalawa |
Rerec Matching Grant At Kalawa | Installation of transformers, construction and extension of HV lines, construction of distribution lv lines networks to Mutanda CTTI, Kathulumbi CTTI, Mutembuku CTTI, Kathongo Dispensary and Syotuvali Dispensary |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Kalawa |
Kasooni Ecde |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kalawa |
Kathulumbi Ctti Twin Workshop | Construction of a twin workshop |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 3,000,000 | Kalawa |
Kalawa Ward Bursary |
Department of ICT, Education and Internship | Ongoing | Ksh 2,000,000 | Kalawa |
Renovation And Extension Of Waiting Bay And Furniture Mbavani Dispensary | renovation And Extension Of Waiting Bay And Furniture |
Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 1,500,000 | Kalawa |
Fencing And Gate At Kathongo Dispensary | chain link fence installation and installation of metallic gate |
Department of Health Services | Ongoing | Ksh 1,000,000 | Kalawa |