All Financial Years Projects

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Project Scope Department Status Budget Ward Action
Kalamba Ecde

Construction of one classroom

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 1,200,000 Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba
Kithoni Ecde Centre

Construction of one classroom

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 2,500,000 Kikumini/Muvau
Kaiani Ecde

Construction  of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office; Electrical Works; Shelving to the stores; 2No. Wooden Desks; 2No. Wooden Arm Chairs; Water harvesting goods (10,000Ltrs Water Tank and base); 40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables; Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw); Display soft Pin board, White Board & Mark Pens and Branding, Publicity and Signwriting

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 3,500,000 Kathonzweni
Methovini Ecde
Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office,3-Door Pit Latrine with Urinal,Electrical Works,Shelving to the stores, 2No.lockable metallic cabinets,2No. Wooden Desks,2No. Wooden Arm Chairs,Water harvesting goods (10,,000Ltrs Water Tank and base),40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables,Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw),Display soft board and Branding, Publicity and Signwriting
Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 4,300,000 Mavindini
Yatwa Ecde

Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office,3-Door Pit Latrine with Urinal, Electrical Works, Shelving to the stores, 2No.lockable metallic cabinets,2No. Wooden Desks,2No. Wooden Arm Chairs, Water harvesting goods (10,000Ltrs Water Tank and base),40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables, Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw), Display soft board and Branding, Publicity and Signwriting

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 4,400,000 Mbooni
Ngaani Ecde

Construction of one classroom

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 2,000,000 Kithungo/Kitundu
Itulu Ecde

Construction of 2no. ECDE Classrooms with an office,3-Door Pit Latrine with Urinal,Electrical Works,Shelving to the stores,2No.lockable metallic cabinets,2No. Wooden Desks,2No. Wooden Arm Chairs,Water harvesting goods (10,,000Ltrs Water Tank and base),40 No. Kiddy chairs and 20. No. Kiddy tables,Play equipment 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw),

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 4,300,000 Kako/Waia
Construction Of Pit Latrine Block At Kwa Dc Market Construction of 3 Door Pit Latrine Block with urinal , Ticketing Booth, Rain Water Goods , 5000ltrs Plastic Water Tank and Base. Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism. Not Started Ksh 1,000,000 Kiima Kiu/Kalanzoni
Construction Of Kiu Market Public Toilet Construction of Kiu market public toilet Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism. Not Started Ksh 1,000,000 Kiima Kiu/Kalanzoni
Construction Of Sanitation Block At Kilome Market Construction of Pit Latrine  Block at Kilome market - Construction of 3 Door Pit Latrine Block with a Urinal , Ticketing Booth, Rain Water Goods, 5000ltrs Plastic Water Tank and Base. Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism. Not Started Ksh 1,000,000 Mukaa
Fruit Development- Avocado And Mango Value Chains supply and delivery of seedling
Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries & Cooperative Development Not Started Ksh 2,500,000 Kasikeu
Sports Development Field levelling- Ilima

Leveling of field at musalala area and improvement of a katch stadium

Department of Gender, Children, Youth, Sports and Social Services Not Started Ksh 384,850 Ilima
Inyokoni Ecde

Construction of two class rooms with office and store, water harvesting (10,000 ltrs water tank)

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 3,500,000 Ilima
Kathangathini Ecde

Construction of one class room with office and store, Installation of water harvesting goods(10,000 ltrs water tank)

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 2,500,000 Ilima
Katangini Ecde
  • 1No. ECDE Classroom
  • 1No.lockable metallic cabinet
  • 1No. Wooden Desk
  • 1No. Wooden Arm Chair
  • Water harvesting goods (5,000Ltrs Water Tank and Base)
  •  Full Electrical Works
  • Display Pinned board
  • Branding, Publicity and Signwriting
Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 1,470,000 Nguumo
Thange Ecde

Construction of 1no. ECDE Classrooms with an office; Electrical Works; Shelving to the stores;1No. Wooden Desks; 1No. Wooden Arm Chairs; Water harvesting goods (10,000Ltrs Water Tank); Play equipment - 4 piece set (double swing, slide, climbing frame and double see-saw); Display soft Pin board, White Board & Mark Pens; Branding, Publicity and Signwriting; 20 Kiddy chairs and 10 Kiddy table

Department of ICT, Education and Internship Not Started Ksh 2,100,000 Thange
Makutano-Kyaani -Kiuani - Vololo road

 3Kms road widening , 6.3Kms grading , installation of  Culverts 16m, gabions 15No, 0.9km spot gravelling, and intallation of 315cm Catch water drains along  Makutano-Kyaani -Kiuani - Vololo road

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Energy Not Started Ksh 3,000,000 Nguu/Masumba